Middle School Student Handbook
Welcome to Cascade
We take pride in being a team; together, we build leaders!
- Mission
- Vision
- Contact Information
- Schedules
- School Hours
- Passing Time
- Tardy Procedure
- Attendance Procedures
- Parent Information
- Student Information
- Rules and School Policies
- Emergency Procedures
We will have a safe and welcoming environment where students will experience academic rigor and prepare to be career, college, and community ready. Students will receive the message, "You are important. You can do it. I will not give up on you."
- Be polite
- Have a positive attitude
- Listen to/follow directions of all staff members
- Treat others as you would like to be treated
- Acknowledge others
- Accept consequences
- Be prompt
- Be dependable
- Be organized
- Maintain self-control
- Be physically safe
- Be emotionally safe
- Be intellectually safe
- Maintain self-control
- Participate & listen
- Use time wisely
- Ask questions
- Set goals
Contact Information
Main Office - (360) 577-2703
Principal: Jason Mackey
Assistant Principal: Jessica Reeves
Principal Secretary: Shariah Belt
Attendance/Athletics: Tia Heidler/Laura Hubbard
Guidance Office – (360) 577-2736
Counselor: Kaytie Richards, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade A-L
Counselor: Andy Hansen, 6th, 7th, 8th Grade M-Z
Registrar: Teresa Stange
Health Office – (360) 577-2733
Nurse: Whitney Smith, L.P.N.
Bell Schedule
Mon., Tues. Thurs, Fri.
- 1st 7:50-8:40am
- 2nd 8:43-9:31am
- 3rd 9:34-10:22am
- 4th 10:25-11:13am
- 5th 11:16am-12:04pm (1st Lunch 11:15-11:45am)
- (2nd Lunch 12:06-12:36pm) 5th 11:48am-12:36pm
- 6th 12:39-1:27pm
- 7th 1:30-2:20pm
Wednesday Early Release
- 1st 7:50-8:33am
- 2nd 8:36-9:17am
- 3rd 9:20-10:00am
- 4th 10:03-10:43am
- 5th 10:46-11:25am (1st Lunch 10:45-11:15am)
- (2nd Lunch 11:27-11:57am) 5th 11:18-11:57am
- 6th 12:00-12:39pm
- 7th 12:42-1:20pm
2 Hour Early Release
- 1st 7:50-8:22am
- 2nd 8:25-8:56am
- 3rd 8:59-9:30am
- 4th 9:33-10:04am
- 5th 10:07-10:39am
- 6th 10:07-11:14am
- 7th 11:17-11:55am
School Hours
Students may be dropped off before school in the upper or lower parking lots but must enter through the lower entrance or head directly to the courtyard. The main office opens at 7:00am each morning for parents.
Students should not arrive prior to 7:20am. Students needing to see a teacher before school should report to the office, and the secretary will write them a pass if the teacher is available. If students are not involved in an afterschool activity, they must take the bus or be picked up by 2:30. Once students arrive at Cascade, they may not leave the campus.
Passing Time
A three-minute passing time is allowed between class periods to permit students the necessary time to move directly from one class to another. Students may not stop to have a conversation with other students or staff. Students may use the restroom during passing time as they may not be in the hallway within the first and last 10 minutes of class.
Tardy Procedure
All students are expected to be on time for their class. On-time is defined as being at the learning station (as determined by each teacher) before the tardy bell rings. A student is tardy if they are up to 10 minutes late to class. Being more than 10 minutes late will be recorded as an unexcused absence. Students who arrive at school more than 10 minutes late must check-in at the office before reporting to class. A note from a parent verifying the reason must be brought to the office.
Students who are continually tardy or unexcused will be expected to make up their time through detention or other disciplinary options.
Attendance Procedures
What to Do When Your Child Misses School Due to Illness
Please inform the school if your child is absent by calling 577-2702. You can reach us during office hours - 7:00 to 3:30. Outside of office hours, please leave a message on voicemail. In addition to calling when your child is absent, sending a note with them when they return helps ensure that our attendance records are complete and accurate. Please help us track specific illness information to understand better why your student misses school and compare absenteeism rates for various general health complaints among schools over time. When you call or send a note, please let us know why your student was absent from school, indicating what illness caused the absence based on the following selections:
- Asthma or asthma-like symptoms (wheezing, shortness of breath)
- Cold symptoms (respiratory, sore throat, stuffy/runny nose, mild cough)
- Dental condition (toothaches, dental surgery)
- Family emergency (family matters)
- Flu (high fever, body aches, severe headache)
- Fever
- Headache
- Injury
- Intestinal (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)
- Other health condition (not specified by a guardian or does not fit under another category)
Regular attendance is essential to the learning process, and absences inhibit a student's opportunity to make academic progress. Learning time will be protected from disruption. Our attendance procedures aim to maximize learning time. Once a student has arrived on campus, they are not allowed to leave campus without authorization from the office.
School attendance must take precedence over other activities. Appointments should be made after school. Improving school attendance increases the likelihood that children will be successful in school. Also, improved attendance decreases problems related to inappropriate social behavior such as gang activity, vandalism, burglary, and drug/alcohol abuse. (Please refer to RCW 28A.225.010)
School-related Absences
- School activities (athletics, clubs, etc.)
- Suspensions (these will not be counted as absences that need to be excused)
Non-School-related Absences
- Appointments
- Illness or a health condition
- Family emergencies
- The parent requested religious observances
- Occurrences that are excused by the school principal on prior approval
- Situations mutually agreed upon by the principal and parent
Excessive Excused Absenteeism
Students who demonstrate a pattern of parent-excused non-attendance for any period of the day will be required to provide a note from a physician for each absence after their tenth excused absence (for each semester), or the absence will be recorded as "unexcused." Parents will be notified in writing when their student has reached seven total excused absences for a semester and reminded of this impending requirement.
Procedures for gaining a prior excuse for a future non-school-related absence:
Please fill out a pre-arranged absence form (available in the main office). Please give as much advance notice as possible for pre-arranged absences.
Homework and Excused Absences
When a student is absent, and this absence is deemed "excused," the student is allowed two school days for each day they were absent to make up the schoolwork assigned during their absence from class. Students who miss tests, assessments, projects, presentations, speeches, and the like, will be required to make this work up immediately upon their return unless a mutually agreed upon date is arranged between the classroom teacher and the student.
If make-up work requires out-of-class assistance from a teacher, the teacher and student will mutually agree when the make-up time will occur (usually between 7:20-7:45 a.m. or 2:20-2:50 p.m.). If a student fails to request out-of-class assistance within the allotted time frame upon returning to school, their grade may be affected.
Unexcused Absences
Unexcused absences include all absences for personal reasons with parent permission that do not meet the criteria of excused absences required by the school. Any absence that does not fall into one of the categories defined in the Excused Absences section shall be considered unexcused and result in truancy. The principal or designee will make the final determination of whether or not an absence is excused. Cascade will follow the procedures below regarding unexcused absences:
- Students who are unexcused (truant) will be expected to make up the time through detention or Saturday School.
- Upon a student's second unexcused absence, the parent will be notified in writing with an explanation of the attendance problem and future consequences and a conference appointment.
Students who consistently miss school without an excuse will be subject to the provisions of the "Becca Bill" outlined below.
Becca Bill
State legislation requires that schools report to the juvenile court when students reach a defined excessive number of absences or it is demonstrated that poor attendance negatively impacts their learning process. Cascade Middle School will petition the juvenile court in any of the following circumstances:
- A student has been absent unexcused seven (7) times in one (1) month.
- A student has been unexcused absent ten (10) times in one (1) school year.
- A student's consistent absenteeism is causing their academic progress to lag behind that of other students at their grade/ability level.
[The Washington Legislature enacted truancy legislation in 1995. The law is named for a Tacoma student, Rebecca Hedman, who was murdered in Spokane in 1993. The legislation is often referred to as the "Becca Bill" or "Becca Law" and requires schools to file petitions with Juvenile Court.]
Compulsory School Attendance
Parents of a child older than 8 years and younger than 18 years of age in the State of Washington shall cause such a child to attend school and such child shall have the responsibility to and therefore shall attend for the full school session.
School districts are required to file a petition with the juvenile court for attendance violations by a parent or child.
Longview School District regulations and Cascade Middle School policy require a child's parent/guardian to either call the school or send a note explaining the reason for a child's absence. The principal or designee determines whether the absence is excused or unexcused. Parents cannot excuse a child's absence under the regulation of defining unexcused absences.
Checking your student in and out of school – For anticipated checkouts, please send a note with your student and have them bring it to the main office when they arrive at school in the morning. For unanticipated checkouts, please contact the main office to inform us when your student will leave and return the same day. The office will provide the student with a pass that allows the student to leave class at the necessary time. As a security measure, identification may be asked for when picking up a student.
Dropped from Enrollment
A student may be dropped from enrollment due to non-attendance if they reach 20 consecutive absences. At that time, the student will need to return all school-issued books. Students and parents must meet with the Administration or counselors before re-enrollment. This does not impact the Truancy process, and any legal action taken will still be in effect.
Parent Information
Contacting Students at School
Parents are discouraged from contacting students on their cell phones, as students are prohibited from using them during the school day. If parents need to contact their students while in school, they should contact the front office to have a message delivered to their students in the classroom. Please call the office one hour before school is released with changes in afterschool plans or bus pass requests. We cannot guarantee students will receive last-minute messages. In the case of an emergency, please let the front office know the urgency of your situation.
Contacting the School about Student Progress or Classroom Issues
Parents are encouraged to contact teachers by telephone or email when questions arise regarding their student's progress or classroom issues before scheduling an appointment with an administrator. If lack of progress becomes an ongoing issue, parents may want to schedule a conference with the teacher. If a student struggles in multiple classes, contact the counseling office to set up a multi-teacher meeting. In all cases, we request that initial parent contact be made with the teacher to resolve problems or concerns.
Deliveries to students are brought to the front office. A note will be sent to the student to let them know they have something to pick up. Please do not have flowers, balloons, or other types of items delivered to students.
Lunches, Snacks and Other Food Brought to School
Family-provided lunches should be healthy. Students should not bring (nor should parents deliver) the following types of food to school: multi-serving containers of chips, popcorn, cookies or other junk food; energy drinks; coffee drinks; or candy. Students seen with these items at school will be asked to put them away in their bags.
Family Access/Skyward
We advise signing up for Internet access to Family Access, a Skyward program for the most up-to-date information. Parents and students may sign up for Family Access, which allows you to view attendance, assignments, homework, grades, lunch balances, and other information. Those wishing to sign up for Family Access/Skyward can do so at longviewschools.com.
Field Trips
A signed permission slip is necessary for students to attend field trips. Teachers will provide a letter communicating essential information such as date, time, destination, etc.
All previous fines must be paid before students receive athletic clearance.
Food Service
You need a P.I.N. number to purchase breakfast or lunch in the cafeteria. You can deposit money into your account daily before school or during lunch. Please bring money to school in an envelope labeled with your first and last name and lunch P.I.N.
(McKinney-Vento Act)
A federal act ensures that students who experience homelessness have specific rights to a public education. A student's ability to enroll, remain at a school, and be transported to and from school is outlined by law. More information is available at the school. (McKinney-Vento Act) (Policy No. 3115)
Nurse's Office
If students become ill at school, they should come to the nurse's office for assistance. Students must obtain a pass to visit the nurse's office from their teacher. The nurse will contact a parent or guardian if the student needs to go home. Students are not permitted to stay in the health room for multiple periods.
Medication Disbursement
All medication consumed by students at Cascade must be taken under the supervision of the school Health Specialist or other designated and trained staff. A current Medication in School form must be completed by the student's medical practitioner and parent/guardian and on file in the health room for medications taken during school hours. The medication must be in its original container and properly labeled by the pharmacy with the student's name, time to administer, and dosage amount. Only the school nurse or designated secretary may dispense the medication to the student. No medication (including aspirin, Benadryl, Mylanta, etc.) is kept in C.M.S.'s health room for distribution to the general student population.
Students possessing prescription or over-the-counter drugs outside the health room will be subject to disciplinary action.
Medications given by routes other than oral route are considered nursing care and regulated by the law relating to nursing care, 18.79 RCW. Medications such as ointments, eye or ear drops, suppositories, or injections that are ordered by an L.H.P. can only be administered by student family members, registered nurses (RNs,) or licensed practical nurses (L.P.N.s), or self-administered by the student. The Administration of medications by routes other than by mouth cannot be delegated to unlicensed staff except in an emergency. If you have any questions regarding medication disbursement, please contact the Cascade Health Specialist at 577-2733. (Policy 3416)
Schools may release student "directory information" following District Policy 3600 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act to outside organizations. This information is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released. Directory information includes, but is not limited to, students' names, addresses, birth dates, telephone numbers, attendance dates, activities, awards, fields of study, sports participation, height/weight (if on a sports team), photographs, and school email addresses. The information is not given to businesses but is, as required by law, sent to the military for recruiting purposes (high school students only). If you do not want your student's directory information released for military recruiting or other purposes, send a letter to the Superintendent's office, 2715 Lilac Street.
If you prefer that your child not be photographed or recorded for information provided to the public or desire that a piece of their school work not be published, send a note with your child's name and school name to Teresa Stange at tstange@longview.k12.wa.us.
Federal Law and District Policy 3231 (see appendices) outline how parents can review their child's educational records and request amendments of those records. It also stipulates who has legitimate educational interest in records. Parents have the right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office in the Department of Education in regards to the handling of educational records and student privacy.
Keep your family emergency contact information current. Notify the school every time there is a change in address, phone number, or a change in who is authorized to pick up your child. In an emergency evacuation, students will be released only to individuals on the approved pick-up list.
A minimum of 24 hours after enrolling before a student can start school. A student's start date is determined once the required enrollment documents are received, and a schedule is prepared. Registration of a new student can be done online at longviewschools.com.
Report Cards
Report cards will be sent home at the end of each semester (February and June). The 4th quarter report will be mailed home at the end of the year. Parents are encouraged to check Family Access regularly for current grades.
Schedule Change Requests
Student schedule change request forms are available in the Guidance Office. After the second week of school, schedule changes will rarely be granted. We will try to accommodate all reasonable requests. However, some classes are only offered once or twice daily, with class-size limits. A schedule change might not be possible.
Buses are available to Cascade students who live within Cascade's boundary at least one mile from the school. Please call (360) 575-7867 if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's transportation to and from school.
If your student is in need of a bus pass to ride home with another student, please send a note with your student or call the main office. Students without prior permission may not request bus passes after 12pm.
Valuables: Disclosure of No Responsibility for Theft
Students who bring valuable items do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is recommended that any items of value be left at home to remain safe and secure, reducing the risk of confiscation, loss, or theft.
All non-employee/non-student individuals must check in through the main office, where they will be given a visitor's badge. Individuals who wish to volunteer must fill out a C.H.A.M.P.S volunteer registration packet. Upon approval, the individual will be approved to volunteer at the school. Parents who want to observe a class need permission from the building administration and make arrangements with the teacher at least 24 hours in advance.
Inclement weather will result in a two-hour late start. Buses will run two hours later than usual for all students. Lowland bus routes, when used, will be in effect in the morning and announced by noon for the afternoon runs. Listen to the radio and T.V. news stations, and look online at www.longviewschools.com for up-to-date information.
You can also sign up to have a message delivered to your email. Sign up at www.flashalert.net/signup.html. Please note that you must subscribe and keep your contact information updated; some spam filters block these messages; you can get messages pushed to your smartphone or tablet with the FlashAlert Messenger App. Information is available on the FlashAlert signup site. Information will be posted before 6 a.m. No information will be reported if the school operates on a regular schedule.
Student Information
The most efficient way to find out what assignments were missed is to check Family Access. In Family Access, you can also find the link to a teacher's email address. Many teachers have class websites. Visit the Cascade website for links. If there is an extended absence of three or more days, a homework request may be made by contacting the main office at 577-2703. Sometimes work can be collected and picked up by that afternoon in the main office; however, it is usually ready the afternoon following the request. A homework request form will be given to all teachers to complete. It is essential that work is picked up, completed by the student, and handed to the teacher upon returning to school or before additional work is assigned.
Library - Media Resource Center
Cascade's Library Media Center offers students a rich environment for casual reading or browsing and multiple resources for information and research needs. Cascade's Library Media Center contains approximately 12,000 individual volumes of books and is equipped with a computer online card catalog. Students are encouraged to use this valuable resource for word processing, Internet searching, and other curricular needs. Books are checked out on a two-week basis. You will not be allowed to check out more if you have overdue books.
Lost and Found
There are two locations for Lost and Found items. Near the cafeteria, there is an area where articles of clothing will be found and in the front office for smaller, non-clothing items.
Students will receive a planner at the beginning of the school year for daily use in all classes. Students are responsible for their planners and are required to bring them to school daily. If a planner is lost/stolen, a replacement can be purchased in the main office for $3.
Social Functions
Throughout the year, Cascade will offer social functions during the school day and early evening. These activities allow students to interact socially in a supervised setting. There is a small cost to attend some of these functions.
Several fun events are planned at the end of the school year. These include our end-of-year barbecue, yearbook distribution party, eighth-grade party, and possibly others. Participation in these events is a privilege to be earned by meeting the criterion set by the Administration, and the privilege can be revoked. Non-Cascade students are not allowed to attend these events.
Rules and School Policies
Backpacks and School Supplies
Students will need a backpack to contain their school supplies each school day, as well as their lunch. A school supply list will be provided in the summer before each school year with items students should bring to class in their backpacks, along with any books checked out to them. The following items may not be brought to school and should not be in backpacks:
- Toys
- Stuffed animals
- Blankets
- Athletic equipment
- Lighters
- Markers of any kind (these will be provided by teachers when needed)
- Food items larger than single serving size (examples: large bags of chips, boxes of cookies, etc.)
- Items for sale or exchange–students are not allowed to sell items or make exchanges of valuables with other students without explicit permission from administration. This includes school fundraiser items.
- Other items deemed to be distracting and/or unnecessary to the learning environment
Cafeteria Rules
To ensure that we have an enjoyable café experience for all, we have developed the following guidelines:
- As in all other parts of the school, students walk to, from, and in the cafeteria
- Specific procedures for obtaining lunches and being excused from your seat for various purposes will be communicated and taught at the beginning of the school year
- Use voice level 1 or 2
- All food and drink are to be consumed in the café–NO FOOD OR DRINK IN THE COURTYARD
- Students are not to bring personal balls or sports equipment. The school will supply them.
- Students may use the restroom during lunch one time only, and for biological purposes only
- Large, multi-serving food items such as large bags of chips, boxes of cookies, popcorn, etc. are not allowed in the lunchroom
Cell Phones and Electronic Devices
Electronic devices and accessories such as cell phones, smartwatches, cameras, iPods, headphones, etc., are not to be used between arriving and leaving school. Phones should be stored in a backpack and turned off. Students who bring electronic items do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. We recommend any items of value be left at home to remain safe and secure, reducing the risk of confiscation, loss, or theft. Cell phones and electronic devices are non-essential to the daily educational process. Phones are not allowed in locker rooms or bathrooms. Many major wireless carriers have parental control features that help manage distractions. (Policy 3241 and 3245)
1st offense: The phone is handed in at the main office, and the student can pick up the phone as they leave the school.
2nd offense: Phone handed in at the main office, lunch detention assigned, the student can pick up the phone as they leave the school.
3rd offense: Phone handed in at the main office, lunch detention is assigned; parent/guardian must pick up the phone from the main office.
4th offense: Students will be assigned to a phone directive. Phone will be turned in at the counseling center every morning and can be picked up as they leave the school. The student will refrain from use of any phone, headphones or earbuds of any kind during school hours. Violation of their phone directive may result in suspension. Parents are encouraged to have their student keep their phone and all other electronics at home.
Classroom Rules
Teachers will have specific classroom rules and procedures beyond those in this handbook. Failure to follow classroom rules and guidelines are grounds for administrative discipline.
School Internet Usage
Supervised internet use in support of classroom instruction is a privilege extended to our students. Students are authorized to use the network and are expected to abide by the acceptable use guidelines. All use of school computers and the network must be in support of education and research and consistent with the mission of the Longview School District. Violation of any of the conditions described in the Internet and Other Electronic Information Networks (Policy 5710P) acceptable use guidelines may result in discontinuation of student access to the school computers and the network. You can access school board policies by visiting www.longviewschools.com.
Disruptive Conduct
Conduct that disrupts school or school activities (on or off campus) will be cause for disciplinary action.
Dress Code
Students' appearance shall be clean, neat, safe, and appropriate and shall not disrupt the educational process. Students at Cascade whose appearance, grooming, and or apparel is not suitable shall be allowed to make appropriate corrections (Cascade has suitable clothing on a loan basis). If the student refuses, the principal shall notify the parents, if reasonably possible, and request that person make the necessary correction. If the parent and the student refuse, the principal should take appropriate disciplinary action.
The following will be adhered to while attending Cascade Middle School:
- All articles of clothing, which have straps over the shoulder, must cover all undergarments.
- All clothing must cover the midriff, buttocks, chest, and underwear (in all positions, i.e., sitting, standing, bending, reaching) and legs to finger-tip length.
- Holes in garments exposing areas required to be covered may be grounds for dress code violations.
- All students must wear shoes or sandals.
- The following are not allowed:
- Pajama tops and bottoms
- Costumes
- Blankets
- Flags or capes
- Hats, hoods, or other head coverings
- Slippers
- Headbands with decorations, i.e., cat ears
- Attire is not allowed that promotes gangs, drugs, alcohol, profanity, racism, slander, or intimidation.
The final determination of appropriate attire in each building is the responsibility of the Administration. Repeated violations by a student may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the District's Disciplinary Code.
The use or possession of alcohol or drugs at school, on school grounds, or during a school-sponsored activity is prohibited. Any student that displays abnormal behavior that may be the result of using alcohol or drugs is subject to removal from school or activity and disciplinary or legal action. Possession of drug paraphernalia is subject to the same disciplinary action as usage. (Policy 3241)
Food and Drink
Water is the only beverage allowed in the hallways and classrooms. Drinks brought to the school must be consumed in the cafeteria. All food is to remain in the cafeteria unless otherwise stated by staff.
Multi-serving containers of chips, popcorn, cookies or other junk food; energy drinks; coffee drinks; or candy are not allowed. Students seen with these items at school will be asked to put them away in their bags, and not bring them in the future.
Hallway Rules
Students are not allowed in the halls for the first or last ten minutes of class. Each classroom has a designated bathroom pass that must be used for visits to the restroom. Students may not leave the classroom for the purpose of refilling water bottles or getting drinks–those needs will be met during passing time and lunch. Students must walk quickly and quietly to their destination when moving elsewhere on campus. You may not stand and talk to friends during passing times, the purpose of this time is to get from class to class. Running, speaking/yelling/screaming above a voice level 2, roughhousing or any hands-on behavior are not allowed in the hall. If addressed by any school staff member in the halls (or anywhere on campus), it is expected that students stop what they are doing, face the staff member, be quiet, and listen.
Hazing, Harassment, Bullying, and Intimidation The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers, and patrons free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, hazing, and bullying. Students experiencing the above should immediately speak to a teacher, counselor, or administrator. (Policy 3207)
Privacy and Searches
The district has specific guidelines governing student confidentiality protections and searches of students and personal property. (Policy 3230)
Public Displays of Affection
The Cascade community sees the school as a professional place of learning, and therefore expects students to refrain from kissing, holding hands, or passionate embracing while at school.
Restrooms are to be used for biological purposes only, and are not a place to socialize, congregate, or use your cell phone. No more than three students may be in a restroom at once. Stalls may only be occupied by one student at a time. Students exhibiting inappropriate or recurring suspicious behavior in restrooms may be required to use guidance or office restrooms and not the public ones. Students are expected to go to the designated restroom for their classroom.
Skateboards/Roller Blades/Heelies/Bicycles
Skateboards and Bicycles are not to be used on campus during school hours. Skateboards brought to campus must be stored in the main office for the day. Students who use these items on campus during the school day may have them confiscated and taken to the office for release at the end of the day. Repeated violations will result in disciplinary action. Bikes must be walked on campus and stowed at bike racks. Heelies are not suitable shoes to be worn on campus.
Voice Levels
0: Silence is Golden–absolute silence
1: Spy Talk–Whispering, only one person can hear you
2: Low Flow–Small group work, only the group can hear you
3: Formal Normal–Normal conversation tone
4: Loud Crowd–Presenting voice, everyone can hear you
5: Yelling–Outside voice, never used inside except at athletic competitions
No instrument of any kind that could be considered a weapon is allowed at school, and students possessing such will be disciplined accordingly. Knives (including pocket knives) are not permitted at school.
Emergency Procedures
The district and all buildings have emergency response procedures. Emergency procedures were designed collaboratively with school staff, emergency management officials, police, fire, and public health officials. The procedures, which are regularly reviewed and updated, apply to various emergencies. (Policy 3432)
Teachers and students will practice several types of emergency drills regularly during the school year. These drills will include fire, earthquake, intruder, shelter-in-place (lockdown), and evacuation. The practices also are an excellent opportunity for learning how to improve procedures.
If your child walks to school, please encourage them to follow the safe walking routes developed by our transportation department and available at the school. Also, please stress to your child pedestrian safety, crosswalk use, and following the directions of the crossing patrol. Parents are asked to help their children understand that if there is an earthquake while children are on their way to school, they should "duck and cover" away from power lines, buildings, and trees.
If your student rides the bus, be sure they know bus rules provided by the transportation department. Bus riders participate in emergency drills each year.
We ask parents to observe the following procedures during an emergency:
- Do not call the school. We must keep the lines open for emergency communications. We understand and respect your concern for your child and will use the radio for announcements.
- Tune your radio to a local radio station for emergency announcements and updates.
- You can sign up in advance to receive emergency messages sent to your email, cell phone, or pager. The service is free to you. However, you need to make sure that your contact addresses are up-to-date. To enroll in the service, visit the following website: http://www.flashalert.net/signup.html
- Wait to come to the school or evacuation location until instructed. It may be necessary to keep the streets and parking lot clear for emergency vehicles. Our school is a weapons-and violence-free zone. Details are outlined in the following district policies: Weapons/Contraband Policy 3241 (D-5, D-6)
Emergency Evacuation/Fire Drills
- At the sound of a continuous alarm, students should leave the room quickly and orderly, with no disruptions.
- Windows should be closed, lights out, and room doors closed.
- Students should keep away from the building and fire lanes and wait in an orderly and quiet manner for the bell to ring before returning.
- Know which exit to use for your classes and your teachers' designated evacuation areas. Drill instructions are posted in each room.
Lockdown Procedures
There may be a time when Cascade will be required to lock down the building, including staff and students. Since each emergency is unique, specific instructions for students will be given by teachers or over the intercom by the Administration.
Lockdown drills will be practiced by staff and students throughout the year.
Earthquake Procedures
If you are indoors:
- Move away from windows, shelves, furniture, and any hazardous chemicals that may spill.
- Extinguish all burners if applicable before taking cover.
- Drop to a crouched position under the desk or table or along interior walls with back to any windows.
- Cover your head with your hands.
If you are outdoors:
- Move to an open space away from the building and any utility lines.
- Lie down or crouch close to the ground.